Craftingunique servicespowered withedge technologies

Discuss your case with our experts

Aleksandra Dumcsenko

Product Lead

Feels business needs. Translates business tasks to nerd-understandable language

Andrei Pokhila

Tech Lead

Knows how business task could be solved in terms of technologies. Aware of costs and deadlines

We have chosen technologies as the instrument to express ourselves. This is our passion, our reality and our main expertise

We know what is possible and what is not. How much does it cost and in what deadlines it could be done. Where cost could be cut and where it is absolutely unacceptable

We are looking for exciting partnerships to level up this world

Let’s cooperate and make ideas come true together

We’d love to share our meetings and discord space. Participate and influence on the process through all phases of realisation

Everything starts with a research. Here we clarify the task, check chosen technologies and generate metrics to measure future success

After we’ve got enough confirmation that the realization is viable - the planning phase begins. Costs, priorities, deadlines are the artefacts produced at the end

Here comes the boring part 🙂. We need to implement all planned features

While the previous phase is still ongoing, we start synchronisation. You can now validate newly developed features and correct the logic if original concepts does not fit the reality

And finally - launch. Despite it sounds like the end, there is still work to do. We support and improve the solution basing on real-time data and analytics

Let's try to estimate the   or

Tell us your story

Why are you here?🙃

How we can help and what is your project about?

Write us and we will respond shortly, or let's talk personally